(Source: https://www.nhtsa.gov/drunk-driving/drive-sober-or-get-pulled-over).
Labor Day, the unofficial end of Summer, is fast approaching. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Labor Day happens to be one of the deadliest times on the nation’s roads. The 2017 Labor Day holiday weekend saw 376 people die in motor vehicle crashes and a whopping 36% of those fatalities involved drunk driving. To help deter both alcohol-impaired and drug-impaired driving, local law enforcement together with NHTSA have teamed up to take part in the hi-vis yearly enforcement campaign, which takes place starting on August 14, 2019, and goes through September 2, 2019. During that time period, police officers will be on alert to pull over suspected intoxicated/impaired drivers and arrest them.
According to NHTSA, drunk-driving deaths have gone down over the past 30 years, but they still take over 10,000 lives every year. In 2017, just under 11,000 people died in cases involving alcohol intoxication, which accounted for 29% of all traffic deaths in 2017. Sadly, 220 children 14 years of age and younger were among the drunk driving fatality statistics, which is about one in every five kids who die in traffic crashes.
NHSTA has the motto: “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different – Drive High, Get DUI.” What it boils down to is that operators of motor vehicles should not get behind the wheel of any motor vehicle if they are impaired in any way at all by any substance, including prescription and OTC medications.
NHSTA offers the following safety tips:
-Make arrangements in advance if you plan to drink. It’s never okay to drink and drive, not even if you only had “one” drink.
-Likewise, if you plan to use any drug which causes impairment, then don’t drive and make necessary arrangements in advance.
-If you encounter a drunk, intoxicated or impaired driver on the street, first safely pull over and them telephone 911.
-If you have a friend or family member who intends to drink and drive, do not hesitate, take away their keys, and make arrangements for them to get home safely.
The attorneys at Liever, Hyman & Potter, P.C., are concerned for the safety of the motoring public in Reading, Berks County, Pottsville, Schuylkill County, and throughout Eastern and Central Pennsylvania. The personal injury lawyers near Philadelphia serve auto, truck and motorcycle accident victims and their families in claims and cases involving serious injury and death caused by the negligence of others. The firm also handles work comp and medical malpractice cases.
From the desk of Adam K. Levin, Esquire